How to select the best packages for your Flutter project

September 29, 2023


Choosing the right packages is crucial for the success of your Flutter project. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of evaluating Flutter packages, ensuring you make choices that are stable, secure, and well-maintained.

Step 1: Start with package details

Your first task is to visit the package’s page on Focus on the authorship and version history to gauge its reliability.

Step 2: Move on to documentation

A well-documented package is a sign of good maintenance. Go through the API references, usage examples, and other documentation to ensure the package fits your project.

Step 3: Check the update frequency

Look at the date of the last update. Frequent updates usually mean active maintenance, while a stale package could be risky.

Step 4: Dive into the GitHub repository

If the package has a GitHub repository, explore it. Check the commit history, resolved issues, and pull requests to assess ongoing maintenance.

Step 5: Assess community engagement

Look at GitHub stars, forks, and contributor counts. These metrics can give you insights into the package’s reliability and usefulness.

Step 6: Understand versioning

Make sure the package follows Semantic Versioning (SemVer). This will help you manage dependencies and plan upgrades more effectively.

Step 7: Inspect dependencies

Review the package’s dependencies for their own stability and maintenance. Outdated or insecure dependencies can compromise your project.

Step 8: Analyze usage

High download counts and active usage are good signs but shouldn’t be your only criteria for selection.

Step 9: Confirm compatibility

Ensure the package is compatible with your specific Flutter version to avoid conflicts and breaking changes.

Step 10: Review licensing

Check the package’s license to make sure it aligns with your project’s legal requirements.

Step 11: Perform a security audit

If the package deals with sensitive data or external services, a security audit is a must.


By following these 11 steps, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed decisions about which Flutter packages to include in your project, setting yourself up for success.
Is that all there is to it? Well, not quite.

Consider automation

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you didn’t have to tediously go through this whole list manually? Well, good news for you – you don’t have to at all.

For a more streamlined package selection process, consider using tools like Sequrify for automated quality, stability, and security assessments. It can be a game-changer in your daily coding.

Will you give it a try?